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津巴布韦足球比赛1999/2000 年

Transitional Competition 1999/2000 

Northern Region

 1.Black Aces (Harare)                  4  4  0  0  7- 3 12  [11?]
 2.CAPS United (Harare)                 4  3  0  1  7- 2  9
 3.Black Rhinos (Mutare)                4  2  1  1  8- 5  7
 4.Hackney                              3  2  0  1  4- 2  6
 5.Air Zimbabwe Jets (Harare)           4  2  0  2  7- 6  6
 6.Arcadia United (Harare)              4  1  1  2  6- 5  4
 7.Dynamos (Harare)                     3  1  1  1  4- 3  4
 8.Eiffel Flats                         4  0  1  3  1-10  1
 9.Darryn T                             4  0  0  4  3-10  0

[total GD +1]

Southern Region

 1.United Railstars (Gwanda)            4  2  1  1 12- 6  7
 2.Wankie FC (Hwange)                   3  2  1  0  5- 2  7
 3.Amazulu (Bulawayo)                   4  2  0  2  6- 5  6
 4.Lancashire Steel (Kwekwe)            4  1  2  1  4- 5  5  
 5.Chapungu (Gweru)                     4  1  1  2  6- 6  4
 6.Zimbabwe Saints (Bulawayo)           4  1  1  2  3- 5  4
 7.Masvingo United                      3  1  0  2  4-10  3
 8.Zimbabwe Highlanders (Bulawayo)      2  0  2  0  1- 1  2

[total GD +1]

National Premier Soccer League 2000 

Round 1
[Feb 12] 
Motor Action     4-1 Darryn T         
Wankie           3-1 Lancashire Steel   
Black Aces       4-2 Black Rhinos       
Caps United      5-2 Jets             
[Feb 13]
AmaZulu          3-0 Arcadia United     
Buffaloes        4-1 Dynamos            
Chapungu         0-1 Zimbabwe Saints   
Eiffel Flats     1-1 Masvingo United   
Hackney          0-1 Railstars          
Highlanders      1-0 Tongogara         

Round 2
[Feb 19]
Darryn T         1-3 Caps United       
Jets             1-1 Black Aces        
[Feb 20]
Arcadia United   0-3 Eiffel Flats       
Buffaloes        2-2 Black Rhinos       
Dynamos          3-0 Highlanders   
Lancashire Steel 1-3 Motor Action      
Masvingo United  4-1 Hackney           
Railstars        3-1 Chapungu      
Tongogara        0-3 AmaZulu          
Zimbabwe Saints  4-1 Wankie         

Round 3
[Feb 26]
Caps United      2-3 Lancashire Steel   
Motor Action     0-0 Zimbabwe Saints  
[Feb 27]
AmaZulu          2-1 Dynamos            
Buffaloes        1-0 Black Aces         
Darryn T         1-3 Jets               
Eiffel Flats     0-0 Tongogara         
Hackney          3-3 Arcadia United   
Highlanders      5-0 Black Rhinos   
Wankie           4-1 Railstars          
[Mar 8]
Chapungu         0-2 Masvingo United    

Round 4
[Mar 4]
Arcadia United   0-1 Chapungu          
Black Aces       0-1 Highlanders         
Jets             2-2 Buffaloes     
Railstars        0-1 Motor Action        
Tongogara        4-1 Hackney            
[Mar 5]
Black Rhinos     1-2 AmaZulu            
Dynamos          2-2 Eiffel Flats      
Lancashire Steel 2-2 Darryn T          
Masvingo United  2-1 Wankie           
Zimbabwe Saints  1-0 Caps United       

Round 5
[Mar 11]
Caps United      1-1 Railstars          
Darryn T         2-1 Zimbabwe Saints     
Motor Action     0-0 Masvingo United   
[Mar 12]
AmaZulu          2-1 Black Aces        
Chapungu         3-1 Tongogara      
Eiffel Flats     0-1 Black Rhinos     
Hackney          0-1 Dynamos           
Highlanders      2-2 Buffaloes          
Lancashire Steel 5-0 Jets            
Wankie           3-0 Arcadia United      

Round 6
[Mar 18] 
Black Aces       3-1 Eiffel Flats        
Motor Action     3-2 Arcadia United     
Railstars        5-1 Darryn T          
[Mar 19]
Black Rhinos     0-0 Hackney         
Buffaloes        3-1 AmaZulu             
Dynamos          0-1 Chapungu            
Lancashire Steel 2-1 Zimbabwe Saints    
Masvingo United  2-0 Caps United        
Tongogara        1-0 Wankie           
[May 19]
Highlanders      3-0 Jets

Round 7
[Mar 25]
Motor Action     2-3 Tongogara         
Zimbabwe Saints  1-1 Jets          
[Mar 26]
Black Aces       3-2 Hackney           
Caps United      2-1 Arcadia United    
Chapungu         2-1 Black Rhinos     
Darryn T         3-3 Masvingo United   
Eiffel Flats     3-1 Buffaloes      
Lancashire Steel 1-2 Railstars       
Wankie           2-3 Dynamos            
[Apr 18]
AmaZulu          1-0 Highlanders

Round 8 
[Apr 1]
Arcadia United   1-1 Darryn T         
Black Aces       3-1 Chapungu           
Black Rhinos     1-1 Wankie              
[Apr 2]
Buffaloes        0-0 Hackney          
Dynamos          1-1 Motor Action      
Jets             2-2 AmaZulu          
Masvingo United  0-4 Lancashire Steel   
Tongogara        1-0 Caps United         
Zimbabwe Saints  1-1 Eiffel Flats       
[Jun 8]
Highlanders      2-0 Railstars

Round 9
[Apr 8]
Darryn T         1-0 Tongogara           
Motor Action     4-2 Black Rhinos        
Railstars        2-0 Jets            
[Apr 9] 
Chapungu         2-0 Buffaloes      
Dynamos          3-0 Caps United         
Eiffel Flats     0-0 AmaZulu           
Hackney          1-2 Highlanders       
Lancashire Steel 5-0 Arcadia United     
Wankie           2-3 Black Aces         
Zimbabwe Saints  2-0 Masvingo United    

Round 10
[Apr 13]
Highlanders      2-2 Eiffel Flats           
[Apr 15]
Arcadia United   1-1 Zimbabwe Saints         
Black Aces       1-1 Motor Action      
Black Rhinos     2-1 Caps United     
Highlanders      3-0 Chapungu         
[Apr 16]
AmaZulu          3-0 Hackney                 
Buffaloes        1-1 Wankie             
Dynamos          2-1 Darryn T                 
Jets             1-1 Eiffel Flats           
Masvingo United  0-0 Railstars          
Tongogara        1-0 Lancashire Steel    

Round 11 [Apr 21]  
Caps United      3-3 Black Aces       
Chapungu         4-2 AmaZulu              
Darryn T         1-0 Black Rhinos          
Hackney          1-2 Eiffel Flats           
Lancashire Steel 3-0 Dynamos         
Masvingo United  2-0 Jets                   
Motor Action     2-2 Buffaloes             
Railstars        0-1 Arcadia United      
Wankie           0-3 Highlanders            
Zimbabwe Saints  0-0 Tongogara        

Round 12
[Apr 23]
Buffaloes        2-3 Caps United      
Eiffel Flats     0-1 Chapungu            
[Apr 24]
AmaZulu          0-0 Wankie            
Arcadia United   1-1 Masvingo United      
Black Aces       0-0 Darryn T         
Black Rhinos     1-3 Lancashire Steel   
Dynamos          0-0 Zimbabwe Saints         
Highlanders      2-2 Motor Action          
Jets             1-2 Hackney            
Tongogara        0-2 Railstars        

Round 13
[Apr 29]  
Arcadia United   2-0 Jets             
Buffaloes        1-1 Darryn T          
Railstars        0-0 Dynamos              
Zimbabwe Saints  0-0 Black Rhinos         
[Apr 30]
Caps United      1-2 Highlanders         
Chapungu         2-0 Hackney                 
Lancashire Steel 3-0 Black Aces         
Masvingo United  2-0 Tongogara        
Motor Action     1-0 AmaZulu       
Wankie           3-1 Eiffel Flats    

Moved Match [May 1]    
Zimbabwe Saints  0-3 Railstars     

Round 14
[May 6]
Black Aces       5-1 Zimbabwe Saints  
Black Rhinos     5-0 Railstars            
Chapungu         3-2 Jets          
Tongogara        1-1 Arcadia United    
[May 7]
AmaZulu          2-1 Caps United           
Buffaloes        3-0 Lancashire Steel     
Dynamos          5-0 Masvingo United  
Eiffel Flats     4-2 Motor Action   
Hackney          1-1 Wankie                 
Highlanders      1-1 Darryn T             

Moved Match [May 12]
Dynamos          1-2 AmaZulu

Round 15
[May 13]         
Arcadia United   0-1 Dynamos          
Motor Action     2-0 Hackney               
Railstars        3-1 Black Aces        
Tongogara        1-3 Jets         
[May 14] 
Masvingo United  0-1 Black Rhinos         
Wankie           0-2 Chapungu                 

Round 16
[May 20]
Black Aces       3-3 Masvingo United       
Black Rhinos     2-0 Arcadia United  
[May 21]    
AmaZulu          3-1 Lancashire Steel     
Buffaloes        0-0 Railstars                
Chapungu         2-1 Motor Action             
Dynamos          3-0 Tongogara        
Eiffel Flats     1-0 Darryn T             
Hackney          2-1 Caps United         
Highlanders      0-0 Zimbabwe Saints        
Jets             2-0 Wankie             

Round 17 
[May 25]
Arcadia United   1-2 Black Aces    
Black Rhinos     2-1 Tongogara         
Dynamos          1-0 Jets               
Lancashire Steel 1-3 Eiffel Flats     
Masvingo United  2-2 Buffaloes       
Motor Action     2-1 Wankie               
Zimbabwe Saints  5-0 AmaZulu      

Round 18
[May 27]  
Black Aces       0-0 Tongogara         
Jets             0-0 Motor Action   
[May 28]    
AmaZulu          2-1 Railstars        
Black Rhinos     1-1 Dynamos         
Buffaloes        2-0 Arcadia United      
Chapungu         3-2 Darryn T             
Eiffel Flats     1-0 Zimbabwe Saints      
Hackney          1-1 Lancashire Steel          
Wankie           2-1 Caps United          
Highlanders      ppd Masvingo United

Round 19
[Jun 3]
Black Rhinos     2-1 Jets           
Caps United      0-0 Motor Action         
Railstars        6-2 Eiffel Flats          
Tongogara        0-0 Buffaloes         
[Jun 4]    
Arcadia United   1-1 Highlanders         
Darryn T         0-1 Wankie            
Dynamos          2-2 Black Aces           
Lancashire Steel 1-1 Chapungu          
Masvingo United  0-2 AmaZulu          
Zimbabwe Saints  1-2 Hackney        

Round 20
[Jun 10]
Black Aces       1-3 Dynamos                  
Motor Action     2-0 Caps United           
[Jun 11]
AmaZulu          1-0 Masvingo United     
Buffaloes        0-0 Tongogara          
Chapungu         2-0 Lancashire Steel     
Eiffel Flats     1-2 Railstars            
Hackney          1-0 Zimbabwe Saints    
Highlanders      3-0 Arcadia United         
Jets             1-2 Black Rhinos       
Wankie           1-1 Darryn T          

Round 21
[Jun 17]
Black Rhinos     0-1 Black Aces            
Darryn T         0-0 Motor Action              
Jets             0-1 Caps United              
Tongogara        1-2 Highlanders         
[Jun 18]
Arcadia United   2-0 AmaZulu              
Dynamos          2-1 Buffaloes          
Lancashire Steel 3-2 Wankie                  
Masvingo United  3-1 Eiffel Flats           
Zimbabwe Saints  1-0 Chapungu            

Moved Matches 
[Jun 22]
Darryn T         2-1 Hackney                  
Masvingo United  0-3 Highlanders         
[Jun 29]
Lancashire Steel 1-3 Highlanders          
Zimbabwe Saints  1-1 Buffaloes         
[Jun 30]
Caps United      4-2 Chapungu           

Round 22
[Jul 1]
Motor Action     1-1 Lancashire Steel        
[Jul 2]
AmaZulu          2-1 Tongogara          
Black Aces       2-2 Jets                   
Black Rhinos     1-2 Buffaloes        
Caps United      0-0 Darryn T      
Chapungu         2-2 Railstars              
Eiffel Flats     3-0 Arcadia United     
Hackney          2-1 Masvingo United         
Wankie           0-3 Zimbabwe Saints    

Moved Matches [Jul 6]
Caps United      0-2 Eiffel Flats      
Railstars        3-1 Hackney         

Round 23
[Jul 8]
Arcadia United   3-1 Hackney                            
Black Aces       0-2 Buffaloes                         
Black Rhinos     0-0 Highlanders         
Jets             1-1 Darryn T                    
Railstars        6-2 Wankie                          
Tongogara        2-0 Eiffel Flats            
[Jul 9]
Lancashire Steel 1-2 Caps United                    
Masvingo United  1-0 Chapungu               
Zimbabwe Saints  0-1 Motor Action                

Round 24
[Jul 14]
Eiffel Flats     0-3 Dynamos              
[Jul 15]
Caps United      0-0 Zimbabwe Saints             
Darryn T         0-2 Lancashire Steel               
Highlanders      4-3 Black Aces                    
Motor Action     0-0 Railstars                 
[Jul 16]
Buffaloes        2-1 Jets                           
Chapungu         0-2 Arcadia United               
Hackney          2-0 Tongogara                     
Wankie           1-0 Masvingo United               

Round 25
[Jul 27]
Black Aces       2-1 AmaZulu                
Masvingo United  0-1 Motor Action               
[Jul 29]
Arcadia United   2-3 Wankie                         
Jets             0-0 Lancashire Steel                
Railstars        2-1 Caps United                     
Zimbabwe Saints  2-1 Darryn T                       
[Jul 30]
Highlanders      0-0 Dynamos               

Round 26
[Aug 3]
AmaZulu          1-1 Black Rhinos         
Buffaloes        0-0 Highlanders      
Dynamos          1-0 Hackney               
Eiffel Flats     2-1 Black Aces       
Tongogara        1-1 Chapungu              
Zimbabwe Saints  1-1 Lancashire Steel  
[Aug 5]
Arcadia United   0-1 Motor Action     
Darryn T         0-1 Railstars             

Round 27
[Aug 6]
AmaZulu          1-0 Buffaloes                
Caps United      3-0 Masvingo United 
Chapungu         0-3 Dynamos              
Hackney          0-1 Black Rhinos    
Jets             1-3 Highlanders    
Wankie           3-2 Tongogara           
[Aug 10]
Railstars        3-2 Lancashire Steel   
[Aug 11]
Arcadia United   0-1 Caps United    

Round 28
[Aug 12]
Hackney          0-2 Black Aces       
[Aug 13]
Buffaloes        2-2 Eiffel Flats    
Highlanders      3-2 AmaZulu                 
Masvingo United  1-0 Darryn T             
[Aug 17]
Dynamos          2-1 Wankie              
Tongogara        0-0 Motor Action    

Round 29
[Aug 19]
Caps United      8-0 Tongogara           
Darryn T         1-0 Arcadia United        
[Aug 20] 
AmaZulu          1-1 Jets                   
Eiffel Flats     1-1 Highlanders         
Hackney          0-1 Buffaloes        
Lancashire Steel 1-2 Masvingo United          
Railstars        0-2 Zimbabwe Saints        
Wankie           1-1 Black Rhinos     
[Aug 24]
Motor Action     1-1 Dynamos                   

Round 30 
[Aug 24]
AmaZulu          4-0 Eiffel Flats             
[Aug 26]       
Arcadia United   0-2 Lancashire Steel   
Black Aces       0-2 Wankie                  
Black Rhinos     1-1 Motor Action                 
Buffaloes        0-0 Chapungu               
Jets             3-0 Railstars               
Masvingo United  4-1 Zimbabwe Saints   
[Aug 27]
Caps United      2-1 Dynamos               

Round 31 
[Sep 2]  
Caps United      0-0 Buffaloes                 
Darryn T         1-0 Dynamos                    
Eiffel Flats     1-1 Jets                        
Motor Action     2-1 Black Aces                     
Railstars        3-0 Masvingo United      
[Sep 3]      
Chapungu         0-2 Highlanders          
Hackney          0-3 AmaZulu                      
Lancashire Steel 3-3 Tongogara             
Zimbabwe Saints  2-0 Arcadia United            

Zimbabwe Saints  1-1 Dynamos

Table (based on known results):

 1.Highlanders       28  17   9   2  52-21  60 
 2.AmaZulu           29  17   5   7  48-32  56 
 3.Railstars         30  16   6   8  52-36  54 
 4.Dynamos           31  15   9   7  48-29  54
 5.Motor Action      30  13  14   3  41-26  53  [*]
 6.Buffaloes         30   9  16   5  39-30  43 
 7.Chapungu          28  13   4  11  36-38  43 
 8.Zimbabwe Saints   31  10  12   9  34-29  42 
 9.Lancashire Steel  30  11   7  12  54-45  40 
10.Masvingo United   30  11   7  12  36-43  40
11.Caps United       30  11   6  13  46-40  39 
12.Eiffel Flats      29  10   9  10  39-43  39 
13.Black Aces        29  10   8  11  48-48  38 
14.Black Rhinos      28   9  10   9  33-35  37 
15.Wankie            29  10   6  13  42-49  36 
16.Darryn T          28   6  10  12  26-40  28 
17.Tongogara         29   6   9  14  24-45  27 
18.Jets              29   4  11  14  32-49  23 
19.Hackney           29   6   5  18  25-49  23 
20.Arcadia United    30   5   6  19  24-52  21 

[*] formed as a replacement for defunct Blackpool

Final Round
Highlanders      1-1 Masvingo United
Railstars        3-1 Amazulu

Final Table (according to African Soccer):

 1.Highlanders       38  22  12   4  67-33  78  Champions
 2.Amazulu           38  23   7   8  64-33  76 
 3.Dynamos           38  17  15   6  54-29  66 
 4.Railstars         38  19   6  10  64-45  66  
 5.Motor Action      38  16  17   5  52-30  65  [*]
 6.CAPS United       38  16   8  14  65-52  56
 7.Black Rhinos      38  14  14  10  42-38  56 
 8.Masvingo United   38  15   9  14  47-52  54 
 9.Lancashire Steel  38  15   7  16  67-57  52 
10.Zimbabwe Saints   38  13  12  13  43-37  51 
11.Wankie            38  15   6  17  55-60  51 
12.Buffaloes         38  11  16  11  46-47  49 
13.Chapungu          38  14   7  17  43-51  49 
14.Eiffel Flats      38  12  12  14  48-53  48 
15.Darryn T Africa   38  11  13  14  40-48  46  Relegated
16.Black Aces        38  12  10  16  60-64  46  Relegated
17.Tongogara         38   8  12  18  35-58  36  Relegated
18.Jets              38   7  12  19  38-63  33  Relegated
19.Arcadia United    38   8   7  23  30-58  31  Relegated
20.Hackney           38   6   7  25  29-76  25  Relegated

[*] Motor Action took over the franchise of defunct Blackpool

NB: 5 more goals scored than conceded

Final Table (according to Sportscheduler and Sports City):

 1.Highlanders       38  22  12   4  73-35  78  Champions
 2.Amazulu           38  23   7   8  64-38  76 
 3.Dynamos           38  17  15   6  56-29  66 
 4.Railstars         38  19   9  10  64-45  66  
 5.Motor Action      38  16  17   5  52-30  65  [*]
 6.CAPS United       38  16   8  14  65-52  56
 7.Black Rhinos      38  14  14  10  43-39  56 
 8.Masvingo United   38  15   9  14  46-51  54 
 9.Lancashire Steel  38  15   7  16  67-58  52 
10.Zimbabwe Saints   38  13  12  13  43-39  51 
11.Wankie            38  15   6  17  55-61  51 
12.Buffaloes         38  11  16  11  46-47  49 
13.Chapungu          38  14   7  17  43-51  49 
14.Eiffel Flats      38  12  12  14  48-56  48 
15.Black Aces        38  12  10  16  60-64  46  Relegated
16.Darryn T Africa   38  11  13  14  40-48  46  Relegated
17.Tongogara         38   8  12  18  34-57  36  Relegated
18.Jets              38   7  12  19  38-63  33  Relegated
19.Arcadia United    38   8   7  23  33-58  31  Relegated
20.Hackney           38   6   7  25  26-70  25  Relegated

[*] Motor Action took over the franchise of defunct Blackpool

NB: 5 more goals scored than conceded

The 6 relegated clubs went to court challenging their mass demotion, claiming that
the ZFA constitution was violated by the relegation of more than 2 teams.  They
claim not to have been notified officially that 6 clubs would be relegated instead,
as demanded by the rules, in spite of having all been present at the relevant
meeting in which this was decided.

Chewe Mulenga (Railstars)    24
Zenzo Moyo (Highlanders)     22
Joseph Mwanza (Wankie)       14

Cups 2000

Madison Trophy

Round 2
Amazulu          3-0 Wankie
Buffaloes        0-1 Black Aces
Lancashire Steel 2-3 Tongogara
Motor Action     2-1 Black Rhinos
Highlanders, Dynamos byes?

Highlanders      5-0 Tongogara
Motor Action     3-2 Black Aces
Amazulu          bye
Dynamos          bye

Highlanders      1-1 Dynamos            [2-3 pen]
Motor Action     0-2 Amazulu

Dynamos          1-0 Amazulu

BP League Cup

Cup Final
Dynamos          2-1 Motor Action       [ht: 1-0]
  [Makwinji Soma-Phiri 1-0, Beki Mlotshwa 2-0; Clyde Musiwa 90]

Second Level 2000

Premier Soccer League Division One 2000

Northern Region

 1.Circle Cement                       39 21 11  7 75-31 74  Promoted
 2.Sporting Lions                      38 21  7 10 66-42 70
 3.Trojan                              39 19 11  9 75-42 68  [19 10 10 67?]
 4.Buymore                             39 20  7 12 61-37 67 
 5.Zupco Harare                        39 19 10 10 69-49 67 
 6.Elvington                           39 19 10 10 63-45 67 
 7.ZRP                                 39 16 16  7 61-38 64
 8.Ashanti                             38 17  8 13 57-47 59
 9.Lulu Rovers                         39 16 11 12 49-48 59
10.Unique Select                       39 16 11 12 49-48 59
11.Shamva                              39 15 10 14 53-54 55 
12.ZRA                                 39 15  8 16 40-36 53
13.Chegutu                             38 12 15 11 37-30 51
14.CPMZ                                38 14  7 17 57-58 49
15.Muriel Mine                         39 12 12 15 54-59 48
16.Catercraft                          39 12 11 16 54-60 47
17.Zupco Mutare                        38 11 13 14 54-67 46
18.GMB                                 39 10 12 17 36-48 42
19.Madziwa                             39 10  9 20 35-53 39
20.Mutare                              37  7  8 22 32-74 29
21.Morningside                         38  6  7 25 35-75 25
22.AutoWave                            39  5  9 25 34-85 24

[1 more loss than win; odd number of draws; total GD +20]

Southern Region

 1.Shabanie Mine                       39 28  6  5 96-37 90  Promoted
 2.Intundla                            37 22  7  8 74-40 73 
 3.Chrome Stars                        38 22  6 10 60-33 72 
 4.Corrugated                          38 21  8  9 71-48 71 
 5.Kango                               38 17 12  9 75-45 63
 6.Border Strikers                     37 16 11 10 68-43 59
 7.KweKwe Cables                       37 18  8 11 83-58 59 
 8.Thorngrove                          33 17  7  9 73-47 58
 9.Zesa Hwange                         35 18  3 14 74-47 57
10.Ziscosteel                          32 15 10  7 49-29 55 
11.Guni United                         34 14 10 10 60-40 52  
12.Shangani Mine                       37 12 11 14 54-54 47  
13.Zimall                              39 13  8 18 43-62 47
14.PTC Arrows                          37 12  8 17 44-63 44
15.Mkwasine                            35 13  4 18 64-83 43 
16.Red Seal Rovers                     38 10 12 16 66-83 42 
17.Triangle                            38 11  6 21 53-97 39 
18.Zesa Munyati                        38  8 12 18 55-79 36
19.Tiger Reef                          38  9  9 20 36-79 36 
20.How Mine                            39  8 11 20 39-68 35 
21.MDC                                 34  8  5 21 26-57 29 
22.Elephant Hills                      37  2  6 29 16-87 12 


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