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National Premier Soccer League 

NB: apparently Darryn T were promoted but since this would give an odd
    number of clubs this would require one team to have a bye each round
    (and two extra rounds in total) - apparently the Zimbabwe FA were not
    able to cope with this problem and it was therefore decided Darryn T will
    play in the NPSL 1999/2000.

Final Table (according to African Soccer):

 1.Zimbabwe Highlanders (Bulawayo)     30 22  6  2 69-28 72  Champions
 2.Dynamos (Harare)                    30 22  5  3 57-23 71  
 3.Zimbabwe Saints (Bulawayo)          30 16  6  8 45-42 54
 4.CAPS United (Harare)                30 15  4 11 50-37 49
 5.Amazulu (Bulawayo)                  30 13  8  9 52-32 47
 6.United Railstars (Gwanda)           30 11  9 10 53-52 42
 7.Air Zimbabwe Jets (Harare)          30 10  7 13 39-53 37
 8.Black Rhinos (Mutare)               30 10  6 14 42-50 36
 9.Chapungu (Gweru)                    30  8 12 10 35-39 36
10.Mhangura FC (Mhangura)              30  9  6 15 35-44 33
11.Black Aces (Harare)                 30  9  5 16 29-44 32
12.Wankie FC (Hwange)                  30  7 10 13 37-44 31
13.Arcadia United (Harare)             30  7 10 13 35-44 31
14.Lancashire Steel (Kwekwe)           30  9  4 17 38-53 31
15.Blackpool (Harare)                  30  8  7 15 34-55 31  Relegation Playoff
16.Ziscosteel (Redcliffe)              30  6 11 13 36-46 29  Relegated

Promoted: Masvingo United and Eiffel Flats.

League extended to 18 clubs (also Darryn T) are included; next season
played as transitional fall season July 30-November 30, 1999.

Blackpool won its relegation playoff, opponents unknown;
however, they went out of existence and Motor Action were
formed as a new club taking their PSL place.

Known results:

Round 1 [Aug 8,9]
Dynamos (Harare)       3-0 Arcadia United (Harare)
Black Rhinos (Mutare)  3-4 Air Zimbabwe Jets (Harare)
Blackpool (Harare)     1-1 Zimbabwe Highlanders (Bulawayo)
Railstars (Gwanda)     0-1 Zimbabwe Saints (Bulawayo)
Ziscosteel (Redcliffe) 2-4 Amazulu (Bulawayo)
Chapungu (Harare)      1-2 Lancashire Steel (Redcliffe)
Black Aces (Harare)    1-2 Wankie FC
CAPS United            1-0 Mhangura

Round 2 [Aug 15,16]
Black Aces             1-0 Blackpool
Caps United            1-2 Zimbabwe Saints
Air Zimbabwe Jets      1-0 Amazulu
Chapungu               1-1 Mhangura
Highlanders            1-0 Lancashire Steel
Ziscosteel             2-0 Wankie
Dynamos                1-1 Railstars
Black Rhinos           2-0 Arcadia United       [Aug 25]

Round 3 [Aug 28-30]
Wankie                 1-1 Air Zimbabwe Jets   
Caps United            0-0 Dynamos
Blackpool              0-0 Ziscosteel
Black Rhinos           1-2 Railstars
Zimbabwe Saints        1-1 Chapungu
Mhangura               1-2 Highlanders
Lancashire Steel       2-0 Black Aces
Amazulu                1-0 Arcadia United       [Sep 6]

[Sep 6]
Highlanders            7-1 Zimbabwe Saints    
Air Zimbabwe Jets      2-0 Blackpool    
Ziscosteel             3-0 Lancashire Steel  

[Sep 12]
Lancashire Steel       2-0 Air Zimbabwe Jets
Zimbabwe Saints        2-0 Black Aces
Railstars              1-1 Amazulu
Arcadia United         3-5 Wankie
Chapungu               0-2 Dynamos

[Sep 20]
Black Rhinos           2-1 Chapungu
Black Aces             1-0 Mhangura
Arcadia United         4-0 Lancashire Steel  
Wankie                 3-2 Railstars

[Sep 26]
Mhangura               1-1 Ziscosteel 
Blackpool              2-0 Arcadia United   

[Oct 3,4]
Black Aces             1-0 Arcadia United   
Caps United            0-3 Black Rhinos   
Chapungu               1-1 Amazulu
Dynamos                2-1 Highlanders
Ziscosteel             1-2 Zimbabwe Saints
Wankie                 1-0 Lancashire Steel
Railstars              0-0 Blackpool      
Air Zimbabwe Jets      ppd Mhangura

[Oct 11]
Highlanders            2-1 Black Rhinos
Amazulu                2-1 Caps United
Wankie                 2-1 Chapungu
Black Aces             4-0 Ziscosteel
Lancashire Steel       1-3 Railstars
Air Zimbabwe Jets      1-3 Mhangura
Zimbabwe Saints        0-0 Arcadia United
Dynamos                ppd Blackpool

[Oct 17,18]
Caps United            2-2 Wankie     
Zimbabwe Saints        3-0 Air Zimbabwe Jets    
Amazulu                0-1 Highlanders
Mhangura               0-0 Arcadia United
Ziscosteel             1-2 Black Rhinos
Black Aces             0-1 Dynamos 
Chapungu               2-1 Blackpool
Lancashire Steel       ppd Railstars

[Oct 24,25]
Black Rhinos           1-4 Black Aces     
Air Zimbabwe Jets      1-2 Chapungu
Arcadia United         1-0 Ziscosteel
Railstars              4-2 Mhangura
Blackpool              0-3 Caps United
Amazulu                0-1 Zimbabwe Saints
Highlanders            1-0 Wankie
Lancashire Steel       ppd Dynamos

[Nov 8]
Mhangura               4-1 Amazulu
Air Zimbabwe Jets      1-4 Highlanders
Caps United            3-1 Ziscosteel

[Dec 12,13]
Blackpool              0-4 Wankie
Black Aces             1-1 Chapungu
Caps United            2-1 Air Zimbabwe Jets
Highlanders            1-1 Ziscosteel
Zimbabwe Saints        1-2 Mhangura

[date unknown (1999)]
Chapungu               3-1 Highlanders

[Jan 28]
Dynamos                3-1 Zimbabwe Saints
[May 23]
Zimbabwe Saints        3-1 Dynamos

Madison Trophy 1999  

North Region
1.CAPS United (Harare)                  8  5  2  1  12- 3 17
2.Dynamos (Harare)                      8  5  1  2  10- 6 16
3.Eiffel Flats (Kadoma)                 8  4  2  2  11- 6 14
4.Hackney (Nhangura)                    8  3  4  1  10- 6 13
5.Darryn T (Harare)                     8  2  4  2   5- 9 10
6.Black Rhinos (Mutare)                 8  2  3  3   4- 5  9
7.Air Zimbabwe Jets (Harare)            8  2  2  4   8- 8  7
8.Arcadia United (Harare)               8  0  5  3   5-12  5
9.Black Aces (Harare)                   8  1  1  6   4-14  4

Southern Region
1.Lancashire Steel (Kwekwe)             7  6  0  1  18- 9 18  
2.Zimbabwe Highlanders (Bulawayo)       7  5  1  1  11- 5 16
3.Chapungu (Gweru)                      7  4  0  3  10- 9 12  
4.Amazulu (Bulawayo)                    7  3  1  3  10- 9 10
5.United Railstars (Gwanda)             7  2  2  3  13-14  8
6.Zimbabwe Saints (Bulawayo)            7  2  1  4   8-10  7
7.Wankie FC                             7  2  0  5  13-17  6
8.Masvingo United                       7  1  1  5  11-21  4

Dynamos        1-2 Lancashire Steel 
Highlanders    1-3 CAPS United

[Lancashire Steel (Kwekwe) qualified for CAF Cup]

Final [Nov 28]
Lancashire St. 2-1 CAPS United

Cup Final 1998/99 (Independence Trophy?)
Amazulu         -  Wankie

BP League Cup Final 1999
Black Aces     4-1 Amazulu

Northern Zone: promoted 1998/99: Eiffel Flats

Southern Zone: promoted 1998/99: Masvingo United (after beating Silvertone 


 1.Tongogara      27 21  6  0 70-27 69
 2.Kwekwe Stars   30 21  6  3 55-22 69
 3.Zimall         30 15  8  7 58-35 53
 4.Guni United    27 16  4  7 64-34 52
 5.Intundla       31 15  7  9 51-40 52
 6.Ziscosteel     26 15  5  6 60-30 50
 7.Shabani Mine   28 15  4  9 52-32 49
 8.Corrugated     27 13  8  6 66-37 47
 9.Shangani Mine  29 13  8  8 53-30 46
10.Kango          26 11  5  9 41-38 38
11.Zesa Munyati   27  9 10  9 44-32 37
12.MDC            30  9  7 14 44-60 34 
13.Chrome Stars   24  8  9  6 30-19 33
14.Zesa Hwange    28  9  6 12 35-45 33
15.Triangle       28 10  2 16 49-75 32
16.Thorngrove     28  7  6 15 42-57 27
17.Limpopo        29  7  4 18 23-73 25 
18.Sabi Mine      26  7  1 18 28-41 22
19.PTC Arrows     28  5  7 16 28-60 22
20.Zupco Gokwe    28  6  3 19 31-57 21
21.Gorge          23  5  3 15 32-48 18
22.ZRP Mat North  27  4  9 18 25-62 16


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