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Rhodesia 1966

National League [in Sept] 

Northern Zone [9? clubs from the Salisbury area]
Top of Table:           
 1. St Pauls           16   11   3   2   52-17   25
 2. Salisbury Callies  16    8   5   3   49-29   21
 3. B.S.A.P.           16   10   1   5   52-33   21 
 4. Mangula            16    8   5   3   42-28   21  

Southern Zone [11? clubs from the Bulawayo area] 

Top of Table:         
 1. Bulawayo Rovers    19   17   1   1   61-11   35
 2. Wankie             19   13   2   4   67-36   28
 3. Bulawayo Postals   19   10   6   3   54-26   26
 4. Bulawayo Mashona   18    9   3   6   40-21   21  

Championship Playoff:

First Leg
Bulawayo Rovers        2-2 St Pauls 

Second Leg [at Glamis Stadium]
St Pauls               3-2 Bulawayo Rovers

St Pauls win 5-4 on agg and are champions

Chibuku Cup Final
Cam and Motor [North Zone]     2-1 Bulawayo Callies [South Zone] 

Castle Cup

Second Round
Cam and Motor          5-1 St Pauls 

Third Round
qualified: Tornadoes, B.S.A.P, Bulawayo Callies, Mangula, Bulawayo Postals,
           Cam and Motor


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